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A May Day Code for Love

  A May Day Code for Love

  The Code Breakers Regency Romantic Suspense Series

  Book 9

  Jacki Delecki

  About the Book

  When Miss Ella Evans, bluestocking and gothic fiction writer, is asked to accompany one of the Crown’s undercover agents to a May Day celebration in pursuit of a band of French smugglers, she cannot refuse, even though it means confronting the man who stole her innocence with the empty promise of matrimony three years ago.

  Lord Sebastian Grosvenor pledged his fealty to the Crown, but that loyalty is tested when Lord Rathbourne, England’s head of intelligence, demands he pose as the besotted beau to a bookish spinster to root out a dangerous foreign spy. When Ella’s clever machinations prove invaluable to their mission, Sebastian finds himself torn between protecting her honor and identifying the smuggling ringleader.

  Danger and passion collide when Ella uncovers the spy’s identity and is kidnapped. Can Sebastian rescue the young woman who’s stolen his heart without sacrificing his duty to the Crown?


  A May Day Code for Love

  Copyright © 2020 by Jacki Delecki

  Excerpt from A Code of Wonder © 2020 by Jacki Delecki

  Excerpt from Mission: Impossible to Forget © 2020 by Jacki Delecki

  A May Day Code for Love first appeared in the anthology A May Day to Remember published by Brook Ridge Press on May 5, 2020.

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without expressed written permission from the author.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products in this work of fiction, which has been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  ISBN: 978-09985276-97

  Published by Doe Bay Publishing, Seattle, Washington.

  Cover Design by The Killion Group, Inc.

  Interior Formatting by Author E.M.S.

  Table of Contents


  About the Book



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Excerpt from A CODE OF WONDER


  Also by Jacki Delecki

  About the Author


  To Emma, my beautiful May flower

  Chapter One

  The Honorable Miss Ella Evans tightened her grip on the carriage seat as the driver sped around the corner. Her companion, Lady Gwyneth Ashworth, laughed after the sudden lurch. “I can’t believe that my brother sent his driver to summon you. This must be urgent by the way Jenkins is driving.”

  Unlike Gwyneth, Ella wasn’t amused by the manner in which she had been rushed out of her final May Day gown fitting and was now hurtling through the streets of Mayfair. She had been summoned by Lord Cordelier Rathbourne.

  Lord Rathbourne, Gwyneth’s older brother, was reputed to be the most powerful man in England, next to the king, and rumor was that the king relied heavily on Lord Rathbourne’s counsel. What possible reason could he want with her?

  A distinguished gentleman named Barter, with graying at his temple and a slight limp in his gait, had arrived unexpectedly at the modiste shop. He was polite but insistent that Lord Rathbourne demanded Ella’s immediate presence at his Mayfair residence. Within minutes, she and Gwyneth were whisked into the carriage. And despite Gwyneth’s prodding, the man who now sat with the Jenkins on the top of the carriage divulged nothing about the reason behind her summons.

  “But why in heaven’s sake would Lord Rathbourne want to see me urgently? I only know him because of my acquaintance with you. And how did he know that I was at my fitting for my May Day gowns?”

  “This must have to do with Ash. I told him this morning that I was meeting you for your final fitting for the May Day Ball in Southend-on-Sea. He was headed to a meeting with my brother. Nothing else makes sense.”

  Ella and Gwyneth had debuted together. Gwyneth, a gorgeous and outrageous woman, had befriended Ella. Without Gwyneth’s friendship, Ella, the daughter of a country baron who preferred his horses and hounds, with no desire for lofty social connections, would have remained a wallflower.

  Gwyneth was a whirling dervish of energy, and once one came under her care, she remained a steadfast and loyal friend. As soon as the women realized that neither were interested in making a match, they became allies and friends. They both were in love with their childhood neighbors and no other man interested them.

  Without Gwyneth, Ella’s two seasons would have been a depressing affair. Once the gentlemen realized that Gwyneth and Ella weren’t interested in playing coy games or trying to marry any of them, they accepted the women into their inner circle as friends.

  Gwyneth went on to capture the love of her childhood hero, the older and dashing Lord Ashworth. Unlike Ella, whose childhood love, Viscount Malden, hadn’t been as loyal or steadfast.

  “Your brother works for the Crown. What possible reason could he have for wanting a meeting with me? My father barely leaves Watford. And I know nothing of the government workings. I spend my days writing. I barely venture into society.”

  “Cord never solicits people for random reasons. He wants something from you. And it must have to do with your travel to Southend-on-Sea. It’s the only thing that is reasonable. If I weren’t enceinte”—Gwyneth patted her rounded abdomen, barely noticeable through her tangerine moiré pelisse on her tall, lean frame—“I’d join you.”

  “You can’t make the journey in your condition. Although not a great distance, the roads to Southend-on-Sea are rough through the countryside.” Ella suppressed her envious feelings for her dear friend’s happy marriage and her upcoming child.

  “Ash is acting medieval. He was upset by the idea of me accompanying you to this morning’s fitting. As if I’d endanger this little one.” Gwyneth’s long fingers encircled the curve of her belly. “But I had to make sure that you will be the most beautiful woman at the ball and that Algy will regret his stupidity in not pursuing you and marrying that codfish instead.”

  “Lady Ethel is very sweet.” Ella had resigned herself to the idea that when the time came, Algy would marry a young debutante. Lady Ethel was the niece of a duke and her mother was a cousin removed to the king.

  Gwyneth snorted. “She’s not sweet. She’s calculating, but you’re too nice to see what the woman is like underneath all those red curls. According to my Aunt Euphemia, who has the dit on everyone and everything, Lady Ethel placed herself in a compromising position to force your Algy to marry her. The delay in announcing the engagement may mean that Algy is negotiating with her father for a sum of money instead. I know that Lord Wolfson’s estate is failing.”

  Ella couldn’t stop her heart whizzing at the idea that Algy might not marry. She also couldn’t prevent her disgust with herself that she still cared. For three years, she had hoped and pined while Algy went on his merry way, gambling and carousing.

  “Your Aunt Euphemia is the best at ferreti
ng out information. I’m glad that she was always on our side.”

  During their two seasons, Aunt Euphemia had squashed any rumors when Ella and Gwyneth skated a bit too close to impropriety. Of course, Gwyneth was from one of the oldest and most respected families of the realm. She was allowed a certain amount of leeway.

  Gwyneth’s chocolate brown eyes gleamed with appreciation.

  “You would know if you ever left your townhouse. I’m glad that you’re attending the celebration. It is time to put your past behind you.”

  “I hadn’t planned to attend. I’ve avoided the earl’s May Day celebration for the last few years.” She’d rather be anywhere than reliving the memories of the night she had lain in Algy’s arms, convinced they would marry. “My father has summoned me since my absence would be considered a slight to the earl. With a grand ball, everyone assumes that Algy’s engagement will be announced.”

  “You will outshine every lady, including Lady Ethel. I wish I could see your Algy’s face when you make your entrance in your magnificent gown. Amelia outdid herself.”

  “Amelia was so kind to take time away from her painting to design my dress. I’ll never be able to repay her.” Amelia had chosen a dusky pink silk fabric that celebrated spring and seemed to bring out the turquoise in Ella’s blue eyes. The low cut of the dress was a bit daring. With the encouragement of Gwyneth and Amelia, Ella decided to push the limits of propriety. Since she was considered a spinster, why not become a dashing spinster? And though her friends never said, she was sure they understood her need to make Algy regret his choice.

  “Just make Algy green with envy.”

  “He’s not my Algy. Never was. Only in my most naïve young girl’s dreams.”

  Gwyneth patted Ella’s hand. “I know it will be difficult to have all the memories stirred up, but revenge is sweet.”

  Ella didn’t want to discuss Algy any longer. She had wasted too much time on the insufferable man already. “What business could your brother have in Southend-on-Sea? Except for the Earl of Essex’s summer estate, there is little there of interest but beach-strolling and fishing.”

  “We shall soon find out. But you’d better prepare yourself for my brother and my husband. They are both overpowering men who aren’t used to having anyone say ‘no’ to them. My sister-in-law has helped soften my imperious brother, and I was making headway with Ash until my pregnancy, but now he is back to his bossy, overbearing ways. They will try to bend you to their will. Remember, you always have a choice. And I’ll stand by you.”

  Chills went up her spine. “You’re hinting at something. What can they ask me to do? You seem to have some sense of this. Please explain.”

  “Southend-on-Sea is on the southeast coast across from France. We are at war with France. My brother works for the war effort. I expect that whatever he plans to ask will involve fighting the French.”

  “Fighting the French?” Ella choked. Even for Gwyneth, this was a jump of imagination.

  “That is what we’re about to find out.” Gwyneth chuckled. “This is the most excitement I’ve had in months. The pregnancy has made me so tired and out of sorts that I’ve been napping endlessly. But the idea of you embarking on adventure is very good for my spirits, even if I can’t accompany you.”

  Her unabashed friend had no fears. Ella could imagine Gwyneth brandishing a sword to fight off the French invaders. Ella liked writing heroines who battled danger but wasn’t sure if she was up for the task in real life. But she would never shirk her responsibility to her country. She would do what she could to the best of her abilities to keep the land safe and free against the French. But what could she possibly offer to battle their enemies?

  Chapter Two

  Ella’s heart hammered against her chest as she ascended the stairs to Rathbourne House. With her long legs, Gwyneth took the steps two at a time as she led Ella. A rested Gwyneth had returned to her gale storm force personality.

  Ella didn’t share Gwyneth’s enthusiasm. As a writer with a very active imagination, her mind spun with the possibilities for why she had been summoned. The recurring scenario of being chased down the beach by the French at the May Day celebration didn’t help to calm her.

  As Gwyneth approached the towering crested wooden entrance, an elderly butler swung the door open.

  “Wonderful to see you, my lady.” His bright blue rheumy eyes beamed at Gwyneth. “You’re to go directly to the study. Lord Rathbourne awaits you.”

  “Thank you, Brompton.” Gwyneth handed Brompton her elegant pelisse.

  “May I take your wrap, Miss Evans?” The butler held out his arm.

  Ella slipped off her pelisse and handed it to Brompton as butterflies danced a reel in her stomach.

  “Bromie has prepared tea for you, my lady. She is quite excited by your visit.”

  “Lovely. I’ll be sure to visit her before I depart. I’m pleased to be out of Ashworth House. What a dismal time I’ve had these last months—doing nothing but sleeping.”

  “It is called resting, Gwyneth.” Ash, a striking man whose disheveled blond hair gave him a devil-may-care look, sauntered toward his wife. His indolent manner belied the warm tenderness in his eyes.

  Gwyneth grinned, her darks eyes changing to the color of toffee. “What were you and Cord thinking? Summoning poor Ella like a prisoner to be sent to the gallows?”

  “Miss Ella, you’re looking well.” Ash bowed. “And I hope interrupting your fitting wasn’t too much of a disruption.”

  “It was no problem, my lord.” Ella curtsied.

  “My lord? When did you become so formal? Has your time apart from Gwyneth stopped your hoyden ways?”

  Ella laughed out loud. The first since the summons. “Ash, I’ll be eternally grateful for the benefit of Gwyneth’s friendship and her encouragement in hoyden manners. I believe the anticipation of this meeting has me on tenterhooks. I cannot for the life of me imagine of what service I can be to Lord Rathbourne.”

  Gwyneth tucked her hand into the crook of Ash’s arm. “Ella is too polite to tell you the truth. You’ve frightened her with the urgency of the summons. Come on, Ella. Let’s hear what my brother has to say.”

  Ash offered his other arm to Ella. “Cord will explain everything. And I must take responsibility for sharing the information of your destination for May Day celebrations.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would my attendance at the Earl of Essex’s May Day celebration be of any interest to Lord Rathbourne? The earl likes to celebrate in the traditional ways. He marks May Day at his seaside estate each spring. He has done this for years.”

  Ella’s favorite memories as a child had always been around May Day—the promise of spring and the long-awaited sunny days filled with flowers and adventures out of doors. Now, she’d rather forgo the entire celebration.

  Ash led them down a wide hallway alongside the impressive winding stairwell. “Come this way, and all will be explained.”

  The sound of a child’s laughter and slamming doors from above on the second floor echoed down the long stairwell. The Rathbourne household had dramatically changed since Lord Rathbourne had wedded Lady Henrietta Harcourt.

  There was a shout from the top of the stairs, but no one was visible. Another shout of “Gus,” and then a loud whistle.

  The large yellow Labrador came sprinting around the corner, almost knocking into Ella.

  “Edward, stop shouting,” Gwyneth shouted back at the sandy-haired youth who now stood at the top of the stairs.

  “Good afternoon, Aunt Gwyneth. Can you direct Gus upstairs, please?”

  Gwyneth bent and patted the dog’s broad head. The dog leaned his massive body against Gwyneth’s leg, leaving patches of blond hair on Gwyneth’s bright dress. “Looks like your nap is finished, old boy.”

  Gus rushed up the stairs, his nails clicking on the wooden steps.

  “Speaking of naps. Is there any way that I can convince you to return home to lie down while Cord and I speak with Ella? I can te
ll you all the details when I return.” Ash’s voice lowered to cajoling.

  “And miss all the fun?” Gwyneth stood on tiptoe and kissed her husband on the cheek. “Who will defend Ella against my brother and you?”

  “Why would she need defending? We’re not planning any harm.”

  “That’s what you say, but I need to be sure before I approve of my brother’s plan for my dearest friend.”

  Ella’s pulse resounded in her eardrums. Harm her? Did Gwyneth think that Ella might be in danger? Certainly, she wasn’t expected to come in contact with the French.

  Blasted Gwyneth and her dramatic ways. Sometimes her friend took jokes too far.

  Two burly footmen with thick necks and bulging thighs, unlike the usual tall and lean footmen, stood outside the study door, more sentinels than footmen. One bowed then opened the door.

  Ella couldn’t stop her heart from bolting like a runaway carriage horse. Why should she be nervous?

  Ella and Gwyneth were ushered into Lord Rathbourne’s spacious library. The floor-to-ceiling shelves were crammed with books on all sides of the room except for the fireplace wall. A couch and chairs were arranged in front of the burning fireplace. A long oak library table was on the opposite side of the room. The aroma of pipe smoke blended with the scent of musty old books.

  In front of the lead-paned windows was Lord Rathbourne’s massive desk, and, like the man himself, it overpowered everything else in the room. The solid mahogany desk was covered in stacks of documents.